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Soil water is an important factor restricting afforestation on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.The microtopography of the loess slope has changed the distribution pattern of soil water on the slope.To improve water utilization efficiency and optimize afforestation configuration patterns,the relationship between soil water and precipitation at micro-topographic scale must be studied.We used time series analysis to study the temporal variation of soil water and its response to precipitation in four kinds of micro-topographies and undisturbed slope on loess slopes.Micro-topographies significantly influenced soil water distribution and dynamics on the slopes.Soil water stored in the platform,sinkhole,and ephemeral gully influenced subsequent soil water for 4 weeks,whereas soil water stored in the scarp and undisturbed slope could influence soil water for 2 weeks.It took 12 weeks,10 weeks,18 weeks,6 weeks,and 12 weeks for precipitation to reach the deeper soil layer in the platform,sinkhole,scarp,ephemeral gully,and undisturbed slope,respectively.These soil water characteristics in different micro-topographies are vital factors that should be taken into consideration when undertaking afforestation on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
贝母属植物是中国中药材的宝库,由于形态上难以区分,在民间应用、临床应用和中药市场中还存在混淆应用、以次充好的现象,急需开发基于新型分子标记位点的精准检测方法。本研究应用多重序列比对、SNP筛选等生物信息学分析手段,对贝母属15种植物28条叶绿体基因组序列进行分析。结果发现,贝母属叶绿体基因组DNA同源性达97.22%,通过分析共发现SNP位点5879个,其中川贝母类鉴别候选位点71个,川贝母鉴别候选位点4个,瓦布贝母鉴别候选位点37个,太白贝母鉴别候选位点147个,浙贝母鉴别候选位点91个,湖北贝母鉴别候选位点271个,平贝母鉴别候选位点1393个,伊贝母鉴别候选位点89个。本研究还对SNP位点在精准鉴定、精确定量应用方面进行了讨论,可为川贝母中药资源鉴定提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
为研究不同品种藜麦幼苗对海拔梯度变化的生理响应机制,本试验以4个藜麦品种—‘陇藜1号’、‘陇藜2号’、‘陇藜3号’及‘陇藜4号’为材料,选取甘南州临潭县3个不同海拔(2380 m,2580 m,2780 m)分布区为试验地。通过测定幼苗生物量及生理生化指标,分析不同藜麦品种幼苗在不同海拔试验区的生理响应机制,为建立藜麦品种和环境相适宜的评价体系提供参考依据。结果表明,随海拔升高,藜麦叶片叶绿素、可溶性蛋白以及抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)含量逐渐降低,海拔2780 m最低;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)逐渐升高,在海拔2780 m达到最大值;超氧阴离子(O2·-)产生速率呈现先升高后降低的趋势。不同藜麦品种幼苗生物量随着海拔的升高逐渐降低。说明高海拔下太阳辐射强度增大、温度降低,导致藜麦幼苗植株抗氧化酶活性升高以清除多余活性氧(ROS)自由基,使得植株能够适应高海拔环境而正常生长,但生物量较低海拔仍有降低。因此,不同品种藜麦在低海拔地区受到的胁迫较低,虽然在高海拔区域胁迫加剧,但藜麦幼苗可以正常生长并进行干物质的积累。  相似文献   
菌落总数是衡量生乳品质的重要指标之一。生乳中菌落总数基数越大,其品质越不稳定。但因为奶源产地等原因,生乳必须经过一段时间运输才能到达乳品企业进行生产,运输过程可能由于微生物繁殖导致生乳品质下降。试验选取菌落总数基数不同的两批生乳,通过在2~6 ℃和10~15 ℃条件下存放,模拟生乳在冷藏储运和脱冷储运状态下,分别储存24 h、48 h、72 h、96 h后进行菌落总数、酒精试验、酸度及脂肪酶活力检测。通过对比,找到生乳最佳储存温度和运输时间,为乳品企业和冷链运输提供参考。  相似文献   
克隆获得桃蚜电压门控钠离子通道基因cDNA序列,明确钠离子通道的典型特征,为研究桃蚜抗性分子机理奠定基础。采用实验技术主要有RT-PCR和PCR,克隆桃蚜钠离子通道基因cDNA序列,利用相关软件对其序列进行生物信息学分析。克隆得到两段cDNA序列MpNav-1(NCBI登录号:MN124170)和MpNav-2(NCBI登录号:MN176136)。MpNav-1长度为2945 bp,包括2877 bp的完整开放阅读框,共编码958个氨基酸;MpNav-2长度为3546 bp,包括3486 bp的完整开放阅读框,共编码1161个氨基酸。MpNav-1和MpNav-2共同组成桃蚜的钠离子通道α亚基,MpNav-1包含同源结构域Ⅰ和同源结构域Ⅱ,MpNav-2包含同源结构域Ⅲ和同源结构域Ⅳ。同源比对发现,桃蚜与豌豆蚜和高粱蚜钠离子通道基因相似度分别高达97.67%和97.65%,所克隆序列包含昆虫钠离子通道α亚基典型特征,具有MFM模块,并含有蚜虫类钠通道特有模块DENS。成功地克隆桃蚜钠离子通道基因,为阐明其对拟除虫菊酯类药剂产生靶标抗性的分子机制奠定基础。  相似文献   
张伟强 《农学学报》2020,10(12):115-120
为反映福建省高素质农民的发展状况,探索高素质农民培育的更有效途径,采用比较分析方法,跟踪调查2015—2018年福建省高素质农民的总量、性别比例、年龄结构、文化程度等数据,并以此为基础,重点分析农业新型经营主体家庭农场经营者、农民合作社负责人等群体的发展情况,同时比较研究福建省高素质农民重点群体之间的发展特点。从文化程度、培育供求、产学矛盾、政策扶持等方面深入剖析当前高素质农民发展的制约因素,从加快推进福建省高素质农民培育工作、构建高素质农民终身学习体系、探索培育新型农业经营模式、推进线上线下融合培育、创设高素质农民扶持政策等方面提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
以新疆生产建设兵团第十二师中型灌区为研究对象,采用首尾法测算2018年和2019年4个样点灌区的灌溉水利用系数,在采用主成分分析法对指标体系降维处理的基础上,用Copula函数构建PCA-Copula评价分析方法,对灌溉水利用系数各影响因素的影响程度和影响规律进行计算分析。结果表明:两年测算数据表明,4个样点灌区灌溉水利用系数都在0.63以上,且最大值达到0.668,分别高于同期全疆、全国平均水平5.05%、10.15%;主成分分析得出,渠道衬砌率(0.944)、滴灌灌溉面积比(0.746)、作物需水量(0.635)、实际灌溉面积(0.734)等都具有超过60%的正贡献率,而葡萄种植比(-0.586)和灌区毛灌溉用水量(-0.645)等具有超过58%的负贡献率。利用PCA-Copula分析评估方法得出,作物种植比例和节水灌溉工程状况对十二师中型灌区灌溉水有效利用系数影响显著(P<0.05),其中葡萄净灌溉定额和灌区毛灌溉用水量对灌溉水有效利用系数的影响极其显著(P<0.01),相关系数分别为0.875、0.742,同时利用Spearman等级相关系数检验法和线型回归来检验PCA-Copula评价法与熵值法的密切程度,检验结果其相关系数分别为 0.87(P<0.05)和0. 52(P<0.001),表明PCA-Copula评价方法适用于研究灌溉水利用系数影响因素。  相似文献   
Mingzhu HE 《干旱区科学》2020,12(4):701-715
In arid desert regions of northwestern China, reclamation and subsequent irrigated cultivation have become effective ways to prevent desertification, expand arable croplands, and develop sustainable agricultural production. Improvement in soil texture and fertility is crucial to high soil quality and stable crop yield. However, knowledge on the long-term effects of the conversion of desert lands into arable croplands is very limited. To address this problem, we conducted this study in an arid desert region of northwestern China to understand the changes in soil physical-chemical properties after 0, 2, 5, 10, 17, and 24 years of cultivation. Our results showed that silt and clay contents at the 17-year-old sites increased 17.5 and 152.3 folds, respectively, compared with that at the 0-year-old sites. The soil aggregate size fraction and its stability exhibited an exponential growth trend with increasing cultivation ages, but no significant change was found for the proportion of soil macroaggregates (>5.00 mm) during the 17 years of cultivation. The soil organic carbon (SOC) content at the 24-year-old sites was 6.86 g/kg and increased 8.8 folds compared with that at the 0-year-old sites. The total (or available) nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents showed significant increasing trends and reached higher values after 17 (or 24) years of cultivation. Changes in soil physical-chemical properties successively experienced slow, rapid, and stable development stages, but some key properties (such as soil aggregate stability and SOC) were still too low to meet the sustainable agricultural production. The results of this long-term study indicated that reasonable agricultural management, such as expanding no-tillage land area, returning straw to the fields, applying organic fertilizer, reducing chemical fertilizer application, and carrying out soil testing for formula fertilization, is urgently needed in arid desert regions.  相似文献   
Root rot symptoms were observed in fields of alfalfa in Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia, China in 2016. Disease incidences of seven alfalfa varieties planted in 2014 ranged from 56% to 95%, while incidence of Gongnong No. 1 planted in 2016 was 8%, 31% and 76% in 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. Paraphoma isolates were consistently recovered from black necrotic root tissues of diseased plants with a frequency of 77.1%. Based on morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), elongation factor 1-α (EF1-α) and β-tubulin (TUB), this fungus was identified as Paraphoma radicina. Glasshouse pathogenicity experiments showed that P. radicina significantly reduced above- and below-ground biomass of alfalfa plants 2 months after inoculation. Paraphoma radicina infected 70% of the plants inoculated with a root dip in conidia, and these symptoms were consistent with the symptoms in the field. Paraphoma radicina was successfully reisolated from disease roots of the inoculated alfalfa plants. This is the first report of P. radicina as the causal agent of alfalfa root rot in China.  相似文献   
为了获得简单、易操作、准确度高的橡胶园酸性、中性土壤交换性钙、镁测定方法,本试验通过响应面优化试验,建立称样量、提取液体积、提取方式与交换性钙测定结果之间的数学模型。结果表明:在25℃条件下,以1 mol/L的乙酸铵为土壤浸提液,称样量为2 g、提取液体积175 mL、振荡36 min,为橡胶园酸性、中性土壤的最佳提取条件。将上述条件下得到的结果与标准方法条件下得到的结果相对比,两结果的相对误差在1.25~3.04之间,均属合理范围。利用标准样品对优化方法进行试验验证,结果与推荐值相符。改进后的方法分析成本低、操作简便、测定结果准确、稳定性好,可用于橡胶园酸性、中性土壤交换性钙、镁的测定。  相似文献   
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